As the new union for working musicians, Musicians Australia will define the sensible floor of professional standards and behavior; set a guide to fair, reliable fees; and partner with industry to rebuild confidence in our live music industry.
Music is everywhere and part of everyone’s life. 它是家庭和社区生活的重要组成部分,但它也是一个价值数百万美元的产业.
音乐在整个经济中产生活动:在娱乐表演中, productions, broadcasts and streaming; in music services and products; and in education, caring, health and other personal and community services.
However, 而音乐产业的生产力非常高,每年为经济贡献60亿美元, and supporting 65,000 Australian jobs, 包括大约6000名全职音乐家——大多数音乐家并不以此为生.
对于大多数音乐人来说,唱片行业作为收入来源的地位已经基本崩溃,而现场表演行业也长期不可靠, with declining numbers of venues, low fees and uncertain contracting arrangements.
As the union of working musicians, Musicians Australia will define the sensible floor of professional standards and behaviour; set a guide to fair, reliable fees; and partner with industry to rebuild confidence in our live music industry.
音乐家的平均收入低于全国平均工资,大多数音乐家需要做两份或更多的工作来维持生计. After preparation time and related expenses, 音乐家在演出时得到的报酬只是最低时薪的一小部分. To make matters worse, gigs are often not paid at all, cancelled with little notice, and performance contracts broken, without consequences.
为了生存,他们需要做第二份或第三份工作,这意味着音乐家的职业生涯被打破或中断. Having spent decades honing their craft, 通常包括多年昂贵的高等教育, 一个不确定和监管不足的行业的现实将音乐家从经济主流中边缘化.
In the middle of 2018, 新萄京娱乐 undertook research to get a clear, fact-based picture of the state of the music industry.
我们调查的受访者表示,他们约有四分之一的工作是无偿的, 35%的人表示,至少有10%的情况下,他们得到的报酬低于约定的费用.
而APRA AMCOS报告称,2016年至2018年间,流媒体服务的许可费增长了近200%, with collections of $81.9 million in 2018, returns to musicians from broadcasting, streaming, 出版和销售只占他们收入的12%.
受访者的平均年收入-来自所有收入来源, not just music – is $55,000, significantly lower than the workforce average. More than a third – 37% – earn $30,000 or less.
The majority of respondents were highly experienced, with an average of 25 years in the industry, 其中超过四分之三的人拥有中学以上学历.
They are expert, experienced and highly skilled people, 演奏音乐是因为他们热爱音乐——但更多的时候,他们的生活水平远低于平均水平.
这意味着要把环境做好,这样我们才能为音乐家创造更多机会,并鼓励最好的场地继续投资, 这意味着要确保他们能在观众和音乐家居住的地方运营. 要做到这一点,我们需要各级政府更好的规划和许可管理.
要做到这一点,就需要稳定,也需要一套稳定的标准来定义音乐家们要遵守的规则和彼此之间的要求, business and the community. 音乐家们需要知道,他们在演奏时可以指望得到公平的报酬,他们最终不会被削弱, 在短时间内取消演出或根本没有付款.
我们需要一个尊重准备、准备和前往演出所需时间的行业. 我们需要最好的场地和推广方对待音乐家的方式得到认可,我们需要把流氓经营者赶出这个行业.
公平的现场表演标准将鼓励更多的音乐家跟上他们的手艺. 它将促进真正反映现代澳大利亚丰富性的多样性和音乐.
公平的现场表演标准将把人们聚集在一起, 边缘化反社会行为,促进我们的娱乐和夜间经济.
公平的收费将使场馆繁荣,并为音乐家提供可靠的基础, with specific guidelines for “open mic nights”, first-timers and charity fundraising.
Under the code, performance fees will account for load in and load out, set up, and sound checks, 公平报酬将扩大到所有支持表演和节日表演.
It will establish a standard, enforceable, performance fee agreement, 用不需要法律专业知识就能理解的简单英语.
Importantly, disputes will be dealt with in a no-cost jurisdiction, where lawyers are not required, such as an industrial or consumer tribunal.
当然,我们的准则将包含预防和处理骚扰的原则和指导方针, discrimination, bullying and anti-social behaviour.
As the voice for Australia’s working musicians, with a plan to make our industry fair and sustainable, we need to be loud and organised.
That’s why we have developed a new, cost-effective membership, including a range of benefits for working musicians.
Membership of Musicians Australia costs just $196.57 a year, or $3.78 a week. 另外,你还可以获得公共责任保险和职业责任保险. Join online here.
Connect with Musicians Australia on Facebook here.